Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

I am happy to report that Tropical Storm Fay bypassed my area and we had only to endure a very rainy day. Henceforth, I am able to share with you the girls first day of kindergarten (minus N. since she was sick).

Here they are in front of their classroom in their uniforms. N. was very disappointed that she couldn't go and told her teacher she was so excited to "enter kindergarten". When we picked E. and A. up that afternoon she proceeded to tell N. how much more fun they had than her. Nice.

E. and A. in their assigned seat. I am so happy that all three are in the same class! Many of you may know that it has been my plan to homeschool my girls, and for that reason it was very difficult for me to deal with them being in public school this year. It is still my intent to begin homeschooling next year, but after meeting their teacher I felt enormously relieved about them being there this year. They had a great first day and N. is so excited about starting tomorrow. I wish all of you out there with school-age children, homeschooled, public schooled, or private schooled, a wonderful year!

I would love to hear about some of your schooling choices/issues/wishes/experiences!


Anonymous said...

I remember in kindergarten getting buried almost to my neck in the sand on the playground during recess one beautiful day, the bell rang and some older kids pulled me out but I lost my shoe at the bottom and had to go home early. I was very sad :(

D said...

That is so very sad. That must also have been A LOT of sand.